Urheberrecht und kreatives Schaffen in der digitalen Welt
Inke Arns

Arbeit 2.0

David Rice (US)

14. Juli 2008 von Inke Arns

Anna Kournikova deleted by Memeright Trusted System Fiktive Zeitungsmeldung, Quelle: www.futurefeedforward.com, 2067 Die fiktive Zeitungsmeldung über den Tod des Ex-Tennisprofis und Models Anna Kournikova, auf die sich der Ausstellungstitel bezieht, beschreibt nicht eine ferne Zukunft, sondern in gewisser Weise bereits unsere Gegenwart. Die perfide formulierte Meldung berichtet in knappen Worten, dass Anna Kournikova, die ihr Aussehen gegen illegale Lookalikes hat schützen lassen, auf einer nicht angemeldeten Reise in den asien-pazifischen Raum als unerlaubte Kopie ihrer selbst identifiziert und von dem starken Laserstrahl eines Satelliten ausgelöscht wird. Fictitious newspaper report, source: www.futurefeedforward.com, 2067 The fictitious newspaper report detailing the death of former professional tennis player and model Anna Kournikova, to which the exhibition title makes reference, describes not only a distant future but also, in a certain sense, our present. the perfidiously phrased notice succinctly reports that anna Kournikova, having had her looks pro-tected against illegal look-alikes, had been identified as an imitation of herself while on an unofficial trip to the Pacific rim and thereupon eliminated by a potent laser beam from a satellite.

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Economies of the Commons – Strategies for Sustainable Access and Creative Reuse of Images and Sounds Online

12. Februar 2008 von Inke Arns

Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum, April 10, 2008 www.ecommons.eu A wide range of actors around the globe is currently involved in the creation of unprecedentedly rich and invaluable audiovisual cultural and knowledge resources on the internet. These range from national audiovisual archives, broadcasters, professional cultural producers and institutions to civic and p2p file sharing initiatives. International Working Conference De Balie - Centre for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam, April 11 & 12, 2008De Balie in Amsterdam and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum, in collaboration with Knowledgeland, Images for the Future, and Virtual Platform, organise a two-day international public working conference on the economies, sustainability, and opportunities for creative reuse of these public audiovisual resources and archives. While the level of activity and investment in this area is enormous, the question of the longer-term sustainability of these audiovisual resources remains wide open. Continued massive public investment is one obvious solution, with equally obvious drawbacks. The conference intends to question which alternative economic models exist, or could be developed that can sustain invaluable public resources. Paradoxically, we may have to ask: What is a sustainable business model for the digital commons? » mehr

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