What about WIPO?
Der folgende Gastbeitrag stammt von Verena Metze-Mangold (Vize-Präsidentin der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission).
Copyright needs to evolve to current technological realities or risk becoming irrelevant. Surprisingly enough, this says WIPO Director General Francis Gurry. WIPO is the world intellectual property rights organisation and part of the UN system.
The central question facing the evolution of copyright policy is how to maintain a balance between availability of cultural works as precondition for cultural diversity, science and innovation while assuring a dignified economic existence for creators and performers. Digital technology is having a radical impact on those balances. Mr. Gurry states: “Rather than resist it, we need to accept the inevitability of technological change and to seek an intelligent engagement with it. There is, in any case, no other choice – either the copyright system adapts to the natural advantage that has evolved or it will perish.”
As response to the challenges facing copyright in the digital age, he asks for the development of a comprehensive cultural policy – a combination of “law, infrastructure, cultural change, institutional collaboration and better business models.” There is no “single magical answer”.
He points out three main principles that should guide the development of a successful policy response. The first is “neutrality to technology and to the business models developed in response to technology.” The purpose of copyright was not to preserve business models established under obsolete technologies. Copyright should be about promoting cultural dynamism and exchange, not preserving or promoting vested business interests.”
A second principle is “comprehensiveness and coherence in the policy response.” Recognizing the limitation of law to provide a comprehensive answer he finds that “infrastructure is as important a part of the solution as law.” He asks for a global infrastructure that permits simple, global licensing, one that makes the task of licensing cultural works legally on the Internet as easy as it is to obtain such works there illegally.” People do not respond to being called pirates, the General Director says. They would respond to a challenge to sharing responsibility for cultural policy.
The third guiding principle for a successful response to the digital challenge was the need more simplicity in copyright. Copyright is complicated and complex, reflecting the successive waves of technological development in the media of creative expression from printing through to digital technology, and the business responses to those different media. “We risk losing our audience and public support if we cannot make understanding of the system more accessible.”
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